New Day in 2012

When I close my eyes, it's true that I will forget all things happened today
When I choose to open my eyes, it's all about I'm going to see a better day
But when I begin to believe what I don't see, it's about faith that I keep in God
In this new year, let God guiding your way
Leading you to His destiny
and Making you the right arrow to throw...

"Welcome 2012, The Year Of WHOLENESS"

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Just The Way Love Is...

They hate love, because they hurt by love
They like love, because they get happines in it

They feel like they don't need love, because they left by love
They think they're need love, because they think they can't live without it

They feel sick of love, because they're tired to hold the wounds
They feel nothing 'bout love, because they don't know a thing about it

They feel love is everything, because love has built their world
but They also feel to give up unto love, because love isn't for them

They think to catch the love, because they think they deserve and have capability

They think love is fault, because they don't know 'bout true love is
They think love is blind, because they close their eyes while facing the fact

Above all, Love is the way you livin it...

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Hope of all hearts

The world may fade
You will remain
In the midst of the trial
You will always be, I'll sing
Our God never fails
Our God never fails

With hope and light
You reign over all
Though my heart may fail
You will always be, I'll sing
Our God never fails
Our God never fails

Praise in the morning
Praise in the evening
Praise when I'm laughing
Praise when I'm grieving
There will be dancing
There will be singing
Upon injustice we will tell of our God

The hope of all hearts
The hope of all hearts Is you
Your love never fails
Your love never fails

With hope and light
You reign over all
Though my heart may fail
You will always be all the same
Our God never fails
Our God never fails

Praise in the morning
Praise in the evening
Praise when I'm laughing
Praise when I'm grieving
There will be dancing
There will be singing
Upon injustice we will tell of our god

The hope of all hearts
The hope of all hearts Is you
Your love never fails
Your love never fails

In darkness,
In trial, my soul shall sing
Of his mercy, and kindness
Our offering of praise
Our God never fails
Our God never fails

In darkness,
In trial, my soul shall sing
Of his mercy, and kindness
Our offering of praise
Our God never fails
Our God never fails

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Because of who You are

Because of who you are I give you glory
Because of who you are I give you praise
Because of who you are
I will lift my voice and say
Lord I worship you because of who you are
Lord I worship you because of who you are

Jehovah Jireh, my provider
Jehovah Nissi, Lord you reign in victory
Jehovah Shalom, my Prince of Peace
And I worship you because of who you are.

Jehovah Jireh, my provider
Jehovah Nissi, Lord you reign in victory
Jehovah Shalom my Prince of Peace
And I worship you because of who
And I worship you because of who
And I worship you because of who
And I worship you because of who you are.

Because of who you are
I give you glory
Because of who you are
I give you praise
Because of who you are
I will lift my voice and say
Lord I worship you because of who you are
Lord I worship you because of who you are
Lord I worship you because of who you are

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Curhatku dalam Kataku

Melalui untaian-untaian kata hatiku terasa tenang
Melalui kata banyak hal dapat ku ungkap
Melalui kata pula sebuah makna timbul

Kata...memang hanya terdiri dari empat huruf
Namun tanpa kata hati kita hanya akan merasakan sakit
Pedih menahan semua rasa pahit dan kekecewaan
Namun karena kata pulalah terkadang hati kita dihancurkan

Kata... sungguh bagaikan hidangan dibalik tudung saji
Kita tak akan pernah tau apakah itu pahit, manis, asam, ataukah pedas
sampai kita benar-benar merasakannya.......

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Some Words 'Bout LOVE

sungguh datang pada siapa saja
tak pernah kenal lelah untuk mencari pecinta
walau membawa luka, namun tetap suka
jika cinta sudah memihak maka,
hanya cinta jugalah yang mampu memutuskannya

adalah kesempatan dan pilihan
mungkin cinta memang tak pernah salah, bukan?
namun berbagai cara mencinta
sungguh dapat menyesatkan jalan pecinta
kenali cintamu
kejar dan miliki itu

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Just Some Words - 1

Diam, menunggu, dan kelihatan pasrah bukan berarti harapan telah hilang
hanya saja harapan itu sedang dalam proses pennggodokan utk dimatangkan
sehingga ketika saatnya tiba maka harapan itu akan benar2 dapat terwujud
lalu kapankah hal itu??
saat si empunya harapan siap merangkul segala kemungkinan yang dikandung harapan itu sendiri
tanpa sebuah kesiapan dan kematangan maka harapan itu akan semakin jauh untuk diraih
be patient doesn't mean not to do anything, but letting God do the rest that we can't by His mighty power...
Just believe and keep in His track... then u'll get in to your destiny... your wish.. your hope...

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